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>>> Spend $49+ to get a FREE Badass Piece of Jewelry <<<

Winner of Badass Jewelry

Jan 12, 2016

$20 Tuesday is over but due to an issue with our text message not being sent yesterday we are extending a special 10% OFF to ALL of our VIP customers on any/all products today ONLY. Use code "20tuesday" at checkout to save an extra 10%

We just announced a *NEW* Winner of a badass piece of skull jewelry.

BUT... Before we get to the newest winner we wanted to let you know that $20 Tuesday is going on right now!!!

CLICK HERE to see all the new items on sale!

Yes we lose money on some items but we get so many reviews and testimonials that it is well worth the loss.

Sizes and quantities are limited so if you see something you like grab it immediately as it may sell out if you wait.

We carry sizes as small as size 3 and as large as size 20 in rings and bracelets are all the way from petite ladies sizes to 11" long. The best way to find a certain size is to use the SEARCH feature and put in a keyword like "size 12" to search for only size 12's or whatever size you are looking for, make sure to use the quotes.

ALL items will ship TODAY!

Thanks to everyone who participated in our latest skull ring giveaway.

We are having several contest for our badass skull jewelry.

Todays Winner is...

Dale Beardmore Jr. of Richardson, Texas

Dale, please send us a PM (Private Message) through our Facebook page HERE letting us know you are the winner and which piece of BADASS Skull/Biker Jewelry you would like for FREE!

Again, CLICK HERE to see all of the sale items and get FREE shipping here in the U.S.A.