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Nov. 14th Winner

Nov 14, 2017


Before seeing who the winner is CLICK HERE and check out our LIVE Auction going on RIGHT NOW (Tuesday night). We have 100's of items we are auctioning off ALL with a starting bid of only $1! We have skull and biker rings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces etc. Just comment during the LIVE auction with your highest bid and GOOD LUCK!

Again CLICK HERE to visit our Facebook page RIGHT NOW while the auction is going on!

Scroll down to see who is the WINNER of the 'BLACK INFIDEL' skull ring!

black infidel ring

CLICK HERE to see some of our newest items.

CLICK HERE to see ALL of our categories.

We carry sizes as small as size 3 and as large as size 20 in rings.

NEW search by your ring size CLICK HERE!

ALL items ordered before 2:00pm are shipped the SAME DAY from our offices in Utah (noon on Saturdays!

FREE shipping in the U.S.A. ($9.95 to Canada and $12.95 to the rest of the World).

Thanks to everyone who participated in our latest skull ring giveaway.

We are having several contest for our badass skull jewelry.

Today's Winner is...

Floyd Collins from Martha Kentucky

Floyd, please send us a PM (Private Message) through our Facebook page HERE letting us know you are the winner of the "Black Infidel Ring" ring for liking, sharing and commenting on one of our post on Facebook. Also, let us know what size you would like.